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    UML - 人月神话

    信息来源: 发布日期:2012-06-11





    Chapter 1 The Tar Pit 3

    Chapter 2 The Mythical Man-Month 13

    Chapter 3 The Surgical Team 29

    Chapter 4 Aristocracy, Democracy, and System Design 41

    Chapter 5 The Second-System Effect 53

    Chapter 6 Passing the Word 61

    Chapter 7 Why Did the Tower of Babel Fail? 73

    Chapter 8 Calling the Shot 87

    Chapter 9 Ten Pounds in a Five-Pound Sack 97

    Chapter 10 The Documentary Hypothesis 107

    Chapter 11 Plan to Throw One Away 115

    Chapter 12 Sharp Tools 127

    Chapter 13 The Whole and the Parts 141

    Chapter 14 Hatching a Catastrophe 153

    Chapter 15 The Other Face 163

    Chapter 16 No Silver Bullet—Essence and Accident 177

    Chapter 17 "No Silver Bullet" Retired 205

    Chapter 18 Propositions of The Mythical Man-Month: True or False? 227

    Chapter 19 The Mythical Man-Month after 20 Years 251

    Epilogue 291

    Notes and References 293

    Index 309
